Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A day in Laguna Beach

"If you are lucky enough to live in Laguna Beach, your lucky enough" Yes it is true, to live here is to have truly lucked out in life. We began our life in Laguna Beach in 1990, before the TV show and crowds. If someone asked where I lived and I told them Laguna Beach, they would make a confused face and ask "where is that?" The best answer I could give was "on the coast 1 hour below LA and 1 hour above San Diego". One would never say Orange County since that would be met with smug "Oh, not LA". The LA comment never bothered me though having lived in New York City and San Francisco, I still don't think LA is all that and would rather get on a plane and fly to a "real city" then drive and hour to LA. But the City of Laguna Beach is a gem of a small beach city . It retains aspects of the small town feel from years of the locals trying to keep it that way. Have you ever noticed there are no neon signs in town - not allowed. Dogs are allowed on the beach, just keep them on leash unless they are swimming. You can actually walk about and enjoy a cup of coffee at many outdoor cafes. Zinc is a local favorite since it is downtown but a block from the beach so it is more of a locals scene. There are hidden parks for the kids to play at, Blue bird park being a favorite. In the summer there are free outdoor concerts where it seems the whole town shows up with a picnic basket and bottle of wine. Everyone seems to have their favorite beach usually the one that is closest to their house where you run into your neighbors more often then on your street. I can't imagine living anywhere else.

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